It's been about a year since I have blogged, posted, updated, etc. But a friend of mine has inspired me to start again. I've also been inspired by pinterest to craft more and I really enjoy the stress relief I get while making something new and the finished product makes me feel so proud!
So in the past year I had a baby! Her name is Jordan Lynn and she was born on June 21st. What a joy she brings to my life! Doesn't those baby fat rolls just make you melt? There is nothing like being a mom & I am so happy that I have been given the opportunity to be one to the best & prettiest baby girl ever (so what im bias)!

Also in the past couple of months I have been making some cute stuff! Pinterest is my new friend and I love that I can catagorize and save so much inspiration & projects. I've done a lot so far but it would be so much fun if I could DO them ALL! haha. Heres one of my lastest finished projects:
Until next time and I hope its not another year before my next post haha!