Sunday, December 18, 2011

18 Mommas + 16 babies + 1900 cookies = GREAT TIME!

This past weekend I hosted a cookie exchange party at my house for a mommy group Jordan and I go to every Tuesday.  We've met some really great mommys and babys and I know we have made friends for life!  We had such a great time!
1900+ cookies packaged up!
All the cookies!

Hot Chocolate Station!
Hot Chocolate Station
Brocolli & CHerry tomato tree
Broccoli Tree from Pinterest
Cookie Table
Cookie Table

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rain = Perfect Craft Day!

This morning I woke up at 4am and it has been raining since.  I finished up my candy cane candles and made some brownies in my mini muffin pan and I made some clay handprint plaques with Jordans hand once she passed out.  I think they came out pretty cute!  Now I just have to wait for them to dry which the website says 1-2 days or possibly more depending on the thickness. 
Yesterday I discovered Jordan has 6 teeth or semi teeth now.  She has 2 that are barely showing and 4 others that you can see.  Im gonna miss her gummy smile!

Craft sources :)
Easy Craft Clay  ,  Candy Cane Candle Sticks

Sunday, December 4, 2011


It's been about a year since I have blogged, posted, updated, etc. But a friend of mine has inspired me to start again. I've also been inspired by pinterest to craft more and I really enjoy the stress relief I get while making something new and the finished product makes me feel so proud!

So in the past year I had a baby! Her name is Jordan Lynn and she was born on June 21st. What a joy she brings to my life! Doesn't those baby fat rolls just make you melt? There is nothing like being a mom & I am so happy that I have been given the opportunity to be one to the best & prettiest baby girl ever (so what im bias)!

Also in the past couple of months I have been making some cute stuff! Pinterest is my new friend and I love that I can catagorize and save so much inspiration & projects. I've done a lot so far but it would be so much fun if I could DO them ALL! haha. Heres one of my lastest finished projects:

Until next time and I hope its not another year before my next post haha!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Bizarre and Unique Holidays

Today is "Do a Grouch a Favor Day "! According to Holiday Insights.

Do a Grouch a Favor today. Do it and make the world a better place.

Everyone has been a grouch at one time or another. Some people are seemingly grouches all of the time. It's in their nature. Others are occasional grouches, influenced by events in their lives, lack of sleep, the weather, etc. A few people are good at disguising their grouchy mood. But, they still need cheering up.

Look around for someone who is in a grouchy mood today. Then, do him or her a favor that will cheer up their day. There's plenty of grouches out there to practice on. Try it on all of the grouches that you see today, and watch the results!

By the way ... March is National Craft Month! :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Craving Cupcakes!

It's cold outside and I have this urge to heat up the oven and make cupcakes. So I went straight to Martha Stewart and starting looking for some cute yummy ones to make today. Here are some that I have in mind. The PB&J is the one I want to try because I love peanut butter! Plus doesn't it look kinda good? I think some strawberry jam would be YUMMY!!! Just click the photo for the recipe links if you are craving cupcakes to :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blog Neglector

Ok ya so it's been awhile since I have posted! Lots of new things have happened in the past 2 months!
I got a new puppy right after Christmas. Her name is Hailey and she was born on Halloween. She is a miniature poodle and the cutest little thing ever. She's always running around and wanting to play which leaves me little time to craft lately. And you can't do any kind of crafting around her because she loves to play with everything. Isn't she a cutie pie?

When you whistle...

Also this month my mushrooms were in the magazine "Shop 4 Kids"! I was so excited to see the screen shot. Can't wait to get the actual magazine to check it out for myself.

Mushroom Delight in Shop 4 Kids!

I've also been busy working on my website Mushroom I use to do some webdesign stuff acouple of years ago and thought I might try and get back into it. It's so much work though and I have to get used to all the codes and stuff again. It's taken me a good 3-4 weeks at work to finally get it somewhat finished. And I'm still working on some new mushroom items and misc items to put in there. I still have my etsy shop though!
I hope that everyone else has been doing good and keeping busy! Now I need to go read some blogs and get caught up!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day of fun!

I finally got our Christmas tree done up today!

and I've been working on a scarf that is just about done!

We made chocolate covered pretzels yummy!

And I made Holiday Snack Mix super duper yummy!

Here's how I make the Holiday Snack Mix:
Add the following in a big bowl and mix everything together.
1 Bag of Kennel Popcorn (popped)
1 Cup M&M's
1 Cup Peanuts
2 Cups Chex Mix
2 Cups Cherrios
1 1/2 Cup White Almond Bark
After you mix it all together let it sit for about 20 minutes and mix again to loosen the harding of the Almond Bark.