Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day of fun!

I finally got our Christmas tree done up today!

and I've been working on a scarf that is just about done!

We made chocolate covered pretzels yummy!

And I made Holiday Snack Mix super duper yummy!

Here's how I make the Holiday Snack Mix:
Add the following in a big bowl and mix everything together.
1 Bag of Kennel Popcorn (popped)
1 Cup M&M's
1 Cup Peanuts
2 Cups Chex Mix
2 Cups Cherrios
1 1/2 Cup White Almond Bark
After you mix it all together let it sit for about 20 minutes and mix again to loosen the harding of the Almond Bark.


  1. I'd love to have a taste at that Holiday snack mix! Looks yummy!

    You are a lucky girl to just be able to send your husband! Maybe I should train mine?!:-)

  2. Your tree is GORGEOUS! Puts my sad little tree to shame! Thanks for the snack mix recipe-Im gonna give it a try.

  3. that snack mix looks like such a good idea! and i love how your tree has so much light!
    Hope you and your family have a seet and fun X'mas!*

  4. So Yummy!! Thanks for the recipe!


  5. Barbara, how's the scarf doing?! Have you finished it?

    Happy New Year :)
